The Essence of A.A.

The Essence of A.A.

"Whenever, wherever, one alcoholic meets another alcoholic and sees in that person first and foremost not that he or she male or female, or black or white, or Christian, Buddhist, Jew, or Atheist, gay or straight, or whatever, but sees..that he or she is alcoholic and that therefore both of them need each other - there will be not only an Alcoholics Anonymous, but there will be the Alcoholics Anonymous that you and I love so much and respect so deeply.".......Ernie Kurtz in Not God: A History of Alcoholics Page 305

A.A.'s Greatest Danger

A.A.'s Greatest Danger.

"If you were to ask me what is the greatest danger facing A.A. today, I would have to answer: the growing rigidity -- the increasing demand for absolute answers to nit-picking questions; pressure for G.S.O. to 'enforce' our Traditions; screening alcoholics at closed meetings; prohibiting non-Conference-approved literature, i.e., 'banning books'; laying more and more rules on groups and members.".....Bob Pearson .....AA's Greatest Danger - Rigidity


About SWOG

SWOG is an alcoholic oriented recovery blog. I built it years back during a different time. It feel into disrepair over the years. With dead and/or obsolete links. And irrelevant posts. I'm going to try to revive it In doing so, I pretty much tore it down to start over.

While I hope that it will be of help or interest to all recovering alcoholics, it will have a lean to the secular. In fact, when it was first built SWOG stood for Sober With Out Gods.
You will come across links to about anything I come across that I think pertains to sobriety and recovery. Outside of links, the posts will contain my thoughts, observations, and musings on recovery.

About me

Atheist Ed. I use that handle deliberately for a couple of reasons. In the venue that is AA, it is for the "Non-believing", desperate Newbie. To show they are not alone. And here's a person that is making this thing of ours work, without the God stuff, and it can work for them as well.

I am an agnostic-atheist alcoholic. A humanist, freethinker and skeptic. And somewhat of an AA heretic. How much of a heretic you ask.  I believe that strictly going to meetings and only reading The Big Book as an answer to recovery is comparable to only going to church, only reading The Bible and never seeing a doctor, and expecting your cancer to be cured. There are other things to be learned. Don't get that wrong though. I am AA. But that does mean I can't be critical

I am all gung ho for the Newcomer, the Re-Lapser,  and the AA Fellowship though. They are the heart of AA I believe. Do away with all the other stuff and it still gets down to two alcoholics talking. That is, after all, how it got started.


As of this writing, I have been sober 2 Hours, 10 Minutes. Yes, that looks weierd. However, I go by a 24 hour cycle. I don't care how many days, weeks, months, or decades that have gone past. they're gone. Nor tomorrow. Tomorrows unknown.  Only today. I count sober time in hours and minutes. Starting at 00:00 and ending at 24:00. I don't remember and don't care when I had my last drink. I can guess. Late spring, early summer 4, maybe 5 years back.